16 февраля 2022, 14:00
Семинар от RTDS Technologies по основам PHIL моделирования
Уважаемые коллеги.
Сообщаем Вам, что 23 февраля в 18:00 по московскому времени наши коллеги из компании RTDS Technologies будут проводить вебинар и демонстрации, посвященные основам PHIL моделирования. Зарегистрироваться на вебинар можно по ссылке.
Join us for a free webinar on power-hardware-in-the-loop (PHIL) testing with the RTDS® Simulator. After learning the basic principles of PHIL testing with a real-time power system simulator, watch a demonstration showing the closed-loop testing of a solar PV inverter via the Aurora protocol via screenshare and video.
The RTDS Simulator is used by leading utilities, manufacturers, research institutions, and consultants around the world for EMT simulation and HIL testing of power system protection and control equipment. PHIL simulation allows for physical power hardware, such as renewable energy hardware, electric vehicles, batteries, motors and loads, to be tested in a closed loop with a simulated network. Closed-loop testing is the most comprehensive way to de-risk protection, control, and power equipment in the laboratory environment prior to deployment on the grid.
What to expect:
- An overview of the benefits and fundamental principles of PHIL testing
- A look at the hardware and software components of the PHIL interface, including specialized PHIL models and a four-quadrant power amplifier
- A screencapture and hardware video demo showing a PHIL testing example
- Q&A with a PHIL expert